Visible Light Communication (Li-Fi) Market Advanced Technology, Growth and Competitive Analysis up to 2022 Forecast

The global Visible Light Communication (Li-Fi) market is expected to display positive growth in forthcoming period. Digital media and Internet of things (IOT) has transformed overhyped analog media channels into burgeoning and dense networks but with overburdened bandwidth and Machine to Machine (M to M) connectivity. Wi-Fi and routers has now become synonymous with high data speeds and communication which has taken a new perspective. This led to onslaught of mobile communications and access to unimagined loads of data.

Data speeds with 3G and 4G networks took pre-dominance. It was the turn of Virtual reality (VR) systems to step in and turn makes believe stuff into reality. Li-Fi which is not to be taken as an improvement over Wi-Fi but an able and trusted ally to Wi-Fi and works on principle of light amplification with help of LED diodes and LI-Fi Dongles. Restraints of Li-Fi such as data interference from perimeter walls and obstructions and nearby routers with hotspot convenience have turned into Li-Fi advantages.
The driving factors for growth of visible light communication (Li-Fi) market are the drying up of spectrum air-waves and band-width bottlenecks that are so much part of Wi-Fi networks. Another driving factor for Visible light communication (Li-Fi) market is that Li-Fi is able to transfer data more securely, safely and rapidly to dense networks and at low power levels than compared to Wi-Fi.
Additionally, manufacturers are competing in a tough technological eco-sphere with numerous companies vying with one another to develop R&D activities in developing and opening up markets for Li-Fi. With advent of Internet of Things (IoT) enabled Li-Fi, IoT with the help of bar-codes, Radio frequency Identification devices (RFID), sensors and GPS help and streamline operations on shop-floor and all the other organizational aspects are networked. Digital signage takes cognizance in the highly optimized IoT connected network and low on Wi-Fi connectivity, Li-Fi turns out to be the big brother of the industry.
Segmentation of Visible light communication (Li-Fi) market by end-user includes retail, consumer electronics, automotive and transportation, healthcare, defense and security. Segmentation of Visible light communication (Li-Fi) market by application and analysis includes indoor networking, LBS, in-flight communication and entertainment and underwater communications.
By geographical regions, segmentation of visible light communication (Li-Fi) includes North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, MEA, and Latin America. The key players in visible light communication (Li-Fi) market include GE, LVX System, OLEDcomm, Philips, pure Li-Fi, Avago Technologies, Axrtek, ByteLigth, Casio, LightBee, LightPointee Communications, Outstanding Technology, Panasonic, and PlainTree Systems.
