Global Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy Market Research Reports, Size, Share and trends up to 2021

The global Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) market is classified on the basis of product type, application and geography.  Super-resolution microscopy is a form of light microscopy. Super-resolution techniques allow images to be taken with a higher resolution than the diffraction limit. There are different types of super-resolution microscopy such as stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), structured illumination microscopy (SIM), stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED), coherent anti-strokes Raman scattering microscopy (CARS), photo-activated localization microscopy (PALM), and reversible storable optical fluorescence transitions (RESOLFT). 

In conventional fluorescence microscopy where all fluorophores in the sample are fluorescent, their diffraction limited images overlap, creating a smooth but blurred picture. STORM is based on stochastic switching of single-molecule fluorescence signal. STORM utilizes fluorescent probes that can switch between fluorescent and dark states so that in every snapshot, only a small, optically resolvable fraction of the fluorophores is detected. This assists determining their positions with high accuracy from the center positions of the fluorescent spots. With multiple snapshots of the sample, each capturing a random subset of the fluorophores, a final super-resolution image can be reconstructed from the gathered position. 
Some of the applications of STORM include imaging cell surface or distinct features particularly useful for membranes, receptors, adhesion complexes, protein clustering, and so on. Getting quantitative/statistical information regarding protein distributions in sub-diffraction-limit structures that are difficult to get to with other techniques. Effective imaging depends on the reconstruction algorithm and necessitates the precise selection of dyes, embedding condition and high labelling density.
The factors that propel the market growth include increasing research and development activities. In addition, high-tech innovations such as super resolution microscopy, high-throughput techniques, and digitization of microscopes are also fueling the growth of the market. Moreover, government funding also plays a significant role to uplift the market growth. On the other hand, there are also factors that hamper the growth of the market such as high price of advanced microscopes and lack of technical expertise.
On the basis of product type, the market research report is classified as dSTORM – Alexa Fluor 488-568, dSTORM – Alexa Fluor 597-750 and nSTORM.  On the basis of application, the Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy market is classified as academic institutes, chemical industry, semiconductor and medical care. On the basis of geography, the Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy market Read More...
